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October 22, 2019

FAQ – Winter use

While it’s been quite a while that Game of Thrones has been reminding us “winter is coming,” the real thing is about to be here. Luckily for Stageline’s clients, that’s no reason to postpone outdoor events. And because we’re headquartered in Montreal, you can be sure that we’re serious when we say the word “winter”!

Stageline Mobile Stage Inc. designed its stages to meet or exceed applicable requirements as described in the current building codes and their supplements. The nature of the structures manufactured by Stageline requires that environmental loads considered for the designs are reduced using the provisions contained in ANSI E1.21 2012. Thus, for safety concerns, specific procedures need to be applied by trained personnel (refer to official Stageline documents for details) depending on current and forecasted weather conditions.

During winter in regions where snow and ice accumulations are possible, the weather can be hard to predict to an acceptable degree of precision. To guarantee a safe use of Stageline mobile stages during this season, special measures described herein are mandatory and pertain to standard safety procedures.

The following restrictions apply:

  1. If installed over a snow covered surface, a certified technician must remain on site at all times while the stage is open. If the technician needs to leave the site for more than 2 hours, the stage must be closed.
  2. During use of the stage, monitor regularly (minimum every 2 hours) and check for abnormalities such as sinking, slippage on the ground or snow/ice formations on the structure.
  3. Overall structure resistance is calculated at 20 psf. Snow can weigh as much as 10 psf for every 1 foot of accumulation. It is therefore recommended to remove snow or ice from the roof before it builds-up; thicker than 6 inches of snow, or 1 inch of ice. During wintertime, to account for loads generated by precipitations as described above, rigging capacity of the roof should therefore be used at 50% of its normal capacity.
  4. Pay attention to weather forecasts, especially if heavy precipitations are anticipated. It is preferable to close the stage as a preventive measure.
  5. The public, as well as all non-essential personnel must remain clear of the stage while snow removal and de-icing processes are underway.
  6. If the stage is set up directly on asphalt or concrete and temperatures are below the freezing point, wind resistances are reduced by 50%. For wind resistances to remain the same, ballast weights must be added. On any other surface type (such as snow or ice), ballast weights are mandatory. Contact Stageline for details.
  7. If the stage is set up on a snow or ice covered surface, Stageline cannot take responsibility for ground stability. Contact geotechnical services for an evaluation and instructions.


If additional information or clarifications are required, please do not hesitate to contact Stageline.